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Prior to establishing Song | Park, LLP, our partners, Lana Ahreum Song and Steve Jungsuk Park represented victims of personal injury accidents for the past decade at one of the busiest law firms specializing in personal injury located in New York City. Our partners have resolved countless cases from inception to resolution in arbitration, mediation, courtroom negotiations and trials in all counties in the State of New York and New Jersey.


Fighting for Clients’ Legal Rights

Representing and fighting for the injured client’s right should not and must not be left to a lawyer’s “cost-effective” business decision in a law firm that operates just like a factory that treats an injured client’s case as one of its ordinary products resulting in run-of-the-mill mediocre resolution. This is the reason why our partners have teamed up and established Song | Park, LLP.

Aggressive and Strategic Litigation

At Song | Park, LLP, we are committed to give the care and attention that each and every case deserves. From a simple automobile accident to the most complex professional malpractice case, there is no exception. We are committed not to let the injured clients who were victims in all types of accidents to be victimized again by the disservice of a lawyer. Rather than merely sit and wait while “hoping for the best”, we strive to build up our cases meticulously from the ground up with a clear plan and aggressively and strategically execute the plan throughout the litigation. This is the philosophy that defines our practice. At Song | Park, LLP, we keep fighting the good fight.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation