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Expert Car Accident Attorneys

Car accidents can happen to anyone at any time and almost anywhere. It does not matter how safely and cautiously you drive. Unfortunately, not all drivers are as attentive and/or cautious as you and car accidents happen due to so many factors: carelessness of distracted drivers, reckless or erratic driving, driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, negligent conduct while driving, dangerous road conditions, defectively designed roadways and the list can go on.

two cars after fender bender

Long-Term Effects

The car accidents themselves also come in all types of forms. Some of the common types of car accidents include rear-end accidents, head-on collision accidents, side-impact accidents, side-swipe accidents, multiple car collision accidents, and more. Unfortunately, car accidents do not only result in property damage to your car. Injuries from car accidents can come in all shapes and sizes that can have devastating long-term effects on victims as well as to the victims’ families. Moreover, injuries that do not seem serious at first can leave you with lingering pain and suffering resulting in substantial medical costs over your lifetime after a car accident.

Meticulous Case Building

At Song | Park, LLP, our lawyers have dealt with and handled thousands of car accident cases over the past decade. From low-speed collision car accident cases to life-threatening head-on collision car accident cases, from relatively minor soft-tissue injury cases to tragic death cases, we possess extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in all aspects of car accident cases from its inception to trial-by-jury. We take pride in building up your car accident case meticulously from the ground up with a clear plan and aggressively and strategically execute the plan throughout the litigation process to ensure you get the results that you deserve. At Song | Park, LLP, we keep fighting the good fight for our injured clients’ legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, contact the lawyers at Song | Park, LLP, for a free consultation to discuss any questions and/or concerns regarding your accident. We take every case on a contingency fee basis. Call us at 718-569-5430 or e-mail us at

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