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Uninsured / Underinsured Coverage

Unfortunately, not all drivers in our shared public roadway are responsible and, still in New York and New Jersey, there are many drivers who are either uninsured or underinsured. As a result, insurance companies in New York and New Jersey, are required to offer uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage to policyholders to protect them from non-responsible uninsured or underinsured drivers. For example, if the person who caused you to suffer an injury is uninsured or underinsured, you may be able to recover compensation from your own insurance company under the uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) coverage.


Recover Compensation From Your Insurance Company

What happens when you are injured in a car accident with someone who had no insurance? For instance, the driver who caused you to suffer an injury was:

  • Someone who failed to pay his/her car insurance premium and, as a result, his insurance policy had been lapsed/cancelled; or
  • Someone who was driving an unregistered vehicle; or
  • Someone who was driving the car without the permission of the owner; or
  • Someone who was engaged in criminal conduct (for example: stole the vehicle); or
  • Someone who had simply “hit and run” after the accident and he/she cannot be identified; or
  • Someone who was insured but he/she carried only the minimum insurance limit and does not cover all of your damages.

In such instances, you may be thinking that your own insurance company providing uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) coverage is on your side but, this is not true. In most cases, your own insurance company will attempt in every chance they get to have your uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) claim being “disqualified” and/or “excluded” based on a variety of reasons such as whether your notice to make a UM/UIM claim was timely, whether you qualify as an “insured” under the insurance policy, whether you are making a fraudulent claim, whether you sustained a “serious injury” within the meaning of applicable law, statute of limitations, etc.

Fighting for Clients’ Legal Rights

At Song | Park, LLP, our lawyers possess extensive knowledge and hands-on experience gained directly from handling countless cases specifically involving uninsured and underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist claims. We will not let you become a victim twice by letting your own insurance company take advantage of you. At Song | Park, LLP, we keep fighting the good fight for our injured clients’ legal rights.

If you or a loved one has been in a hit and run and/or an accident involving an uninsured or underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist, contact the lawyers at Song | Park, LLP, for a free consultation to discuss any questions and/or concerns regarding your accident. We take every case on a contingency fee basis. Call us at 718-569-5430 or e-mail us at

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